Covid19 During Spring Turkey Season

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 05-05-2020

The turkey hunting in our region of NYS has been good thus far, but we’ve only been able to go ourselves. We had to cancel all our guided Spring turkey hunts as well as fishing trips. Guiding businesses are deemed to be not essential businesses in NYS.

You can see that these ‘ol boys weren’t practicing social distancing, so they had to be removed from the flocks. It was a great start for us and a quick finish for Greg Fifield this year. He was out two days in a row and done. #AllTaggedOut #SpringTurkeySeason2020 #OrganicMeat #Covid19 #NYSGuidingBusinessesAreClosedForNow #FifieldOutfitters



Bachelor Party on Ice

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 23-02-2020


Saturday, we had a bachelor party join us on the ice to give their buddy, Mike, the groom, an ice fishing send off into marriage! This group traveled to Salem, NY, from all over the country, as far as Los Angeles, California, to celebrate with their beloved friend. Flags were flying with perch, bass, and pike coming out of the hard water holes! Although the big boys didn’t come up for a photo opt, it was a fun and exciting time when each flag popped up. You never know what’s lurking below!

Once again, our ice fishing grill menu was a HIT! The grill featured hot venison sausage, maple venison sausage, marinated venison back straps, bear steaks, and hot diggity dogs, not to mention all the snacks and drinks to go along with it.

What an absolute pleasure it was working with Steve, who booked and organized this trip. Thank you, Steve!

We also want to thank our brother, Greg Fifield, who was here at 4 a.m. to help us get everything that this entailed ready to roll for the group’s arrival on the ice. He worked with us into the evening hours! Also, a thank you to little bro, Chris Fifield, for pitching in with a helping hand throughout the day. We couldn’t have done it without you two! We want to congratulate Mike, and his future wife, on their upcoming nuptials! #BachelorParty #IceFishingSendOff #Groom #NYSLicensedGuide #ILoveNY #WashingtonCountyNY #FifieldOutfitters

Trio Returns

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 20-02-2020

Sean caught and released this beautiful smallie on one of our tip-ups! The weather was cold and windy, with just a few flags here and there. Despite the slow day and weather conditions, we were thankful to be doing something we love. Looking forward to getting these guys on the bass boat for some open water fishing!

#FishingBuddies #FatherSonFriendMemories #GreatClients #IceFishing #WashingtonCountyNY #NYSLicensedGuide #FifieldOutfitters

Couple’s 1st Ice Fishing Trip

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 07-02-2020

What a great time on the hard water we had with Adrianne and Fausto! It was flag central all day long! The first one of the day resulted in a slobber knocker of a largemouth! The rest of the day consisted of bass and jumbo perch on our tip-ups. The pair also jigged up some bass on the jig sticks. We’re looking forward to having this awesome couple back for many more outdoor adventures!

#CoupleTakesOnHardWater #MonsterBass #JumboPerch #BassCatchPhotoRelease #NYSLicensedGuide #WashingtonCountyNY #FifieldOutfitters

Clam’s IceArmor Gear

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fifield News | Posted on 25-01-2020

The IceArmor Ascent Float Parka and Bib by Clam Outdoors made a debut today on me. The padding in the knees of the bib makes it easier on them when setting tip-ups and fighting fish. This outfit has all the luxury options, kept me toasty warm, and has a huge safety component, with its built in Motion Float Technology. #IceArmorAscentFloatParkaAndBib #ClamOutdoors #NYSLicensedGuide #FifieldOutfitters




Big Bucket Mouth

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 22-01-2020

While picking up tip-ups, this BEAST of a bucket mouth sent a flag flying high! After a quick pic, back down the hard water hole it went. #SixPounder #CatchPhotoRelease #FifieldOutfitters

Justin & John’s Hard Water Trip

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 21-01-2020

This past hunting season, John joined us for a semi-guided hunt. We were excited for his return, this time by his side was his son, Justin. The two of them wanted to take on the hard water. We already knew that John was a great guy, so it wasn’t surprising that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, as Justin is the most polite, friendly, and enthusiastic young man. He was genuinely excited as each tip-up flag and Jacker went off. The men were also armed with jigging sticks.


While jigging, Justin saw a large gator head (pike) appear from the abyss, twice! Jumbo poor man shrimp (yellow perch) were headed back home for their family’s feast!


All bass were caught and released back down the holes. We look forward to their return this Spring!









#FatherAndSonMemories #IceFishing #FifieldOutfitters

Father, Son, & Friend

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 15-01-2020

Once again, our little fishing buddy Chase, along with his father Shawn, and his friend Sean, joined us for a guided ice fishing trip. We had a mix of bait from fat heads to large shiners. Flags were going off all day long, and at one point, we had five flags all go off at once, which turned into crazy, fun, mayhem! The bass were the only species taking the bait, as a lot of them were caught and released back down the hard water holes.

Chase and Sean are becoming hard water fanatics. They’re getting skilled at drilling holes, setting tip-ups, jigging, and re-baiting. A special thanks to Shawn for keeping his son and his son’s friend interested in the great outdoors! We look forward to many more adventures with these guys! On a side note, a majestic pair of mature bald eagles flew over us while on the lake. The beauty of Mother Nature certainly surrounds us! #FishingWithFamilyAndFriends #FifieldOutfitters

Hadlock Pond Ice Fishing Derby 2020

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 01-01-2020

Fifield Outfitters’ hard water team participated in the 7th annual Town of Fort Ann Ice Fishing Derby on Hadlock Pond.

It was a fun day on the hard water with the family and we managed a big mud eater and a nice bronzeback. The fishing in general was very slow. However, there was plenty of laughs, meeting up with old friends and making new ones. The grill’s menu featured hot venison sausage and bear burgers.

We’ll see you next year, Hadlock! 🎣 #HadlockPondFishingDerby2020 #CatchPhotoRelease #FifieldOutfitters



Adventurous Anglers

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 31-12-2019

Maggie and Li-Mei were our guests for a full day ice fishing trip. This was their very first time hard water fishing. These ladies were enthusiastic, kind, and adventurous! They were interested in trying some freshly caught panfish and we were able to make this happen. One of the jumbo perch Li-Mei caught, we filleted and grilled on the ice to enjoy with their cheeseburgers and venison steaks at lunch.  They’d like to return to Washington County for more excursions with us, and we certainly look forward to that! #FifieldOutfitters